Our Adventures
Our Adventures As many people will know we are soon to be leaving England and travelling the world for a total of seven months. Our adventures will start in May and we thought it best to put together a small blog focusing on our friends and family and anyone else who wants to follow our adventures. About our trip So as I'm sure you are aware we love travelling. I grew up in the Czech Republic and have traveled around a lot of Europe. Olivia herself has done a lot of travelling and lived in the Alps for six months. Just in case you forget what we look like while we are gone, below is a picture of us on top of the Duomo in Milan taken in September 2017. We have been plotting to go travelling since a few month after we got married and have now finally taken the plunge and are going to leave in May to see the world. Our route Europe We start off in Croatia ( Split & Dubrovnik ) before we go overland towards Turkey through Bosnia , Macedonia , Montenegro...